Thursday, January 24, 2008

Zuchinni from the garden

This is the tastiest zuchinni we've grown yet. We got the seeds from Koanga Gardens, a place that grows and cultivates and saves their own seeds. They're doing a great job to maintain a diverse plant stock, which is really important if you want, well diversity. Not to mention the taste. Delicious.

Zuchinni are the best thing to grow if you're new to gardening. They grow SO fast and seem to grow in even the crappiest of soil. I never really was here or there on zuchinni before we started growing them. I think I probably bought them a few times before and would eat them if they were there in my casserole, but I would never had made a soup of just zuchinni.

Well, last night, I did. It was really good, but it had cream in it, so that kinda goes without saying. But not much cream, just 1/4C in the whole pot. We ate it with bread salad (is it really a salad if it's got bread in the name?) and I think I'll have the rest for lunch today.

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