Thursday, January 17, 2008

Keeping Up

Office Stool, originally uploaded by laureljadewilliams.

Uh...I'm really sorry it's been so long. At some point Ash and I are going to realize that the Holidays aren't really holiday time for us. It's the biggest, busiest, craziest, shoppingiest of jewelleryiest time of the year. Which is great! Because now we can buy a new van to replace the one that was the tragic stooge in this big, busy, crazy, shopping time. Not to mention the fact that it's also Summer and we have to make time to swim. And Bar-b-que. And go to the races!

In between it all, I've been here on this stool making up organizational systems to keep track of all that jewellery. I love this office with the big desk I insisted be made out of the old closet door. I love that Ash added another half a door to it to make it the right size. I love that we put aside our shared disdain for chemical smells to paint a whole wall in blackboard paint. I love the view out the window of our corn and the hill I used to have to climb to go to a job I hated. I love that soon my beautiful niece and nephew will be sleeping in the bed on the other side of the room after a long day at Natureland.

In other news, we made our first batch of salsa verde from the tomatillos we grew. It was delicious, if I do say so myself. It made me feel sad for all those times I left a half full dish of it on the table at Trudy's just because I liked the red salsa better. Damn it, now I've created a Queso Espescial hole in my soul that I have no way of filling.

In more other news, we found our newest, favoritest swimming hole today for our daily after work dip. It has no official name, although we're considering 'sheep poo hole,' due to it's location next to a pasture. Oscar is getting braver by the minute and put his face under today all on his own. "Watching? WATCHING? Splash, splash, 1,2,3, splash-splash."

Oh, and we put on this year's batch of plum wine yesterday. Just two short years and it'll be ready. Luckily, we put our first batch on two years ago, so we have motivation alcohol. Unluckily, last year we did flagged it, so next year we're officially SOL. Good thing we finally found a source of tonic flavored syrup for our Soda Stream fizzing machine so we've overcome the over-priced tonic debacle. Good news, good news.

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