Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I'll never forget eating Jewell Perry's homemade peach ice cream for the first time. It revolutionized me. I'd never had homemade ice cream before. I don't think I'd ever had peach ice cream before. I dropped very obvious hints about how great it'd be to have an ice cream machine. And a peach tree. And cream.

These were similar to the same hints I dropped about cake decorating kits and all the bits and pieces necessary to build a water feature in the back yard. I appreciated my Mom's enthusiasm about the idea of these constantly evolving interests, but the lack of capital investment was disappointing.

Luckily for me, this was the same Summer that we signed up to be a Neilsen family and had a whole catalog of household items to choose from as compensation for jumping through their hoops. Page 39 listed an "old-fashioned hand crank ice cream machine."

As this required no actual fiscal investment, the family agreed and the machine was ordered. Several days of neurotic mailbox checking later and our the machine arrived. Rock salt and peaches were purchased, a roster of crankers was created, custard made and we were 7 short hours away from homemade ice cream!

Four cases of RSI later, we were treated to extreme soft serve topped with peaches as hard as diamonds. The machine was never seen again. My Sister never forgave me for the toasted sandwich maker that could have been ours. I never figured out how little old Jewell Perry with her arthritis and 69lb frame held together with aquanet and polydent managed to survive the grueling procedure Summer after Summer.

The incredible problem solver and realizer of dreams that is my boyfriend managed to find a electrocized automatic ice cream maker at the recycle center (aka dump shop)so that we can turn these:

into the most delicious, easy and delicious homemade peach ice cream. Easy and delicious, just like me.


Anonymous said...

I love the blog!!! It makes me miss you (and everyone) so much more.


OrsmanCres said...

I miss you too!!! The blog loves you too! Don't worry it's all idealistic and shiny for show. Now please go comment how much you love my bedroom. It looks way better in person.

Anonymous said...

Done - see below...